[With Subtitles] Globalist war on food ramping up: Idaho SHUTS DOWN FARMERS’ access to water; ‘We’re all going to fail’ -- NOT IF YOU DON'T FOOLISHLY OBEY THESE CORPORATE STATUTES YOU DON'T!!! Learn about globalist "laws" BELOW
I KEEP DREAMING OF A FLOOD/TSUNAMI: THE DAUGHTERS OF ZION, BLACKS & BLACK LATINO WOMEN DREAMING DREAMS & VISIONS…”See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise”🕎Acts 16;16-23 & Acts 2;17-18 KJV
BLACK & BLACK LATINO MEN & WOMEN WORKING 9-5 JOBS, STRUGGLING: THE ISRAELITES CATCHING HELL, HEADED INTO HYPERINFLATION…“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools” 🕎Ecclesiastes 4:9-11 “Two are better than one”