1. 2011, Nazis and Communists in America, Seg 2 of 2 (8.54, )

    2011, Nazis and Communists in America, Seg 2 of 2 (8.54, )

  2. 11-01-10 Your Vote Does Count, Seg 2 (12.54, 8)

    11-01-10 Your Vote Does Count, Seg 2 (12.54, 8)

  3. 01-27-10 Taxes and Income, SEG. 2 of 5 (9.54,)

    01-27-10 Taxes and Income, SEG. 2 of 5 (9.54,)

  4. 11-01-10 Your Vote Does Count, Seg 2 (12.54, 8)

    11-01-10 Your Vote Does Count, Seg 2 (12.54, 8)

  5. 12-09-10 The Revolution is Now, Seg 1 (14.54, 10)

    12-09-10 The Revolution is Now, Seg 1 (14.54, 10)

  6. 2010, Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54) m

    2010, Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54) m

  7. 2010 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54, must see) m

    2010 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54, must see) m

  8. 01-08-10 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54)

    01-08-10 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54)

  9. 2010 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54,) m

    2010 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54,) m

  10. 09-29-09 Battle Hymn of the Republic Song Bastardized in School, Seg 4 (9.54, 8) m

    09-29-09 Battle Hymn of the Republic Song Bastardized in School, Seg 4 (9.54, 8) m

  11. 03-03-09 FEMA and The Obama Deception, Seg 1 of 2 (10.54, 2) audio

    03-03-09 FEMA and The Obama Deception, Seg 1 of 2 (10.54, 2) audio

  12. 12-09-10 The Revolution is Now, Seg 3 (14.54, 10)

    12-09-10 The Revolution is Now, Seg 3 (14.54, 10)

  13. 10-25-10 Progressive Crime Of The Century, Seg 2 (14.54,)

    10-25-10 Progressive Crime Of The Century, Seg 2 (14.54,)

  14. 03-05-09 The Kudlow Report, Seg 2 of 2 (5.54, 9) m

    03-05-09 The Kudlow Report, Seg 2 of 2 (5.54, 9) m
