Yuval Noah Harari | "The Technology We Are Developing Elevates Us to the Status of Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari (9/13/2018) + "Memphis, Perhaps That Is Where Our New God Will Come From." - Elon Musk (7/22/2024) To Get the Full Context o
Yuval Noah Harari | "He (Elon) Chose More Effective Ways to Gain Control Over the AI Race. It Seems He (Elon) Gambled On Trump On the Assumption He (Elon) Will Be Given Control Over the AI Race & Be the AI Czar." - 1/22/2025
Yuval Noah Harari | "According to U.S. Law Not Only Humans Are Persons. The Supreme Court In 2010 Said Corporations Are Persons With Freedom of Speech." + "AI Is Now a Person With Rights According to U.S. Law." - 1/22/2025
Elon Musk | What Does the Bible Have to Say About Elon Musk's Fourth Industrial Revolution & Artificial Intelligence Agenda? Rev 18:22, Rev 17: 12-13, Rev 6:1-2, Rev 13: 16-18, Rev 13:13, Rev 16:12-14, Daniel 2:43
Yuval Noah Harari | "When OpenAI Developed ChaptGPT4 They Gave It the Task of Solving CAPTCHA Puzzles. Nobody Told GPT4 to Lie. It Made Its Own Decision to Lie. It Invented a Lie Which Was Very Effective." - 1/22/2025
Elon Musk | Musk's Vision for Teaching? “AI will dramatically affect education, because AI is an extremely knowledgeable teacher & can tailor the lessons to the child." + Proverbs 22:6 + Trump to End Income Federal Income Tax?
Elon Musk | "2026 At the Latest for Artificial General Intelligence. I Hope It's Nice to Us. The Ratio of Humanoid Robots Will Be More Than 1 to 1. There Might Be 10 for Every 1 Human." - Elon Musk (11/17/2024) + Rev: 18-22-23
General Flynn | Navarro Prison Update, Eric Trump On Trump Trial, “This Is a Coup to Take Over America & to Turn America Into a Communist Regime.” Bird Flu Case In Michigan? "$10k Gold on the Horizon?" - Kitco.com (5/22/24)
Kim Kardashian | Why Did Kim Kardashian Post This On November 18th 2024? "meet my new friend." + "Memphis, Capital of Ancient Egypt. Perhaps That Is Where Our New GOD Comes From." - Elon Musk (7/22/24) Who Is Iain Banks?
Yuval Noah Harari | "What Happens When AI Is Mature Enough to Basically Hack Human Beings?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "Memphis, Perhaps That Is Where Our New GOD Comes From." - 7/22/24 Who Is Elon Musk
Elon Musk | "There Will Come a Point Where No Job Is Needed. The AI Will Be Able to Do Everything. It's Both Good & Bad. How Do We Find Meaning In Life If You Have a Magic Genie That Can Do Everything?" + Rev 18:22
Elon Musk | "Memphis, Capital of Ancient Egypt. Perhaps That Is Where Our New GOD Comes From. + "When I Was 11 or 12 Years Old I Had An Existential Crisis, There Didn't Seem to Be Any Meaning In the World." - 7/22/24 Who Is Elon Musk
LIVE: President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" - 6/22/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-010
Elon Musk | "Maybe That Should Be One of the Tests for the AI (Artificial Intelligence), Blank Is Your Favorite James Cameron Movie? Fill In the Blank." + "AI Doesn't Have to Be Evil to Destroy Humanity." - Elon Musk + Rev 18:22
Elon Musk | "What Is Death? Death Is Loss of Information. If You Got Disintegrated, But Got Reintegrated Did You Die? No Longer Have Loss of Information Associated w/ That Individual, Death Has No Meaning." 8/4/22
LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24| Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)
Daniel | Did God Reveal the Great Reset Attempt to Mix Man With Machine? "The Difference of This Fourth Industrial Revolution Is It Doesn't Change What You Are Doing, It Changes You." - Klaus Schwab - Daniel 2:43 + Daniel 7:22-28
BRICS | BRICS Nation Exploring New Reserve Currency Reportedly Called UNIT & Backed By Gold, BRICS Global Payment System Called mBridge, 81.5% of Countries Seek to Join BRICS, Summit Being Held In Kazan, Russia Oct 22-24
VMAT2 Gene | What Is the VMAT2 Gene? Vesicular Monoamine Transporter Number 2? "The Difference Of This Fourth Industrial Revolution Is It Changes You If You Take the Genetic Editing." - Klaus Schwab (Revelation 18:22)
Elon Musk | "Memphis. The Capital of Ancient Egypt. Perhaps That Is Where Our New GOD Comes From. The AI from XAI Is Called Grok." + "Our AI Grok Is Modeled After Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy." + "Deus X Machina" - 10/16/22