1. The Bible uses the word pride in a negative context!

    The Bible uses the word pride in a negative context!

  2. We must gather together as the undesired nation.

    We must gather together as the undesired nation.

  3. The Samaritan in John 4 knew that she was an Israelite.

    The Samaritan in John 4 knew that she was an Israelite.

  4. We must be afraid of the judgements of God, at all times!

    We must be afraid of the judgements of God, at all times!

  5. TMH is only the God of Israel, no one else!!

    TMH is only the God of Israel, no one else!!

  6. Brother takes off his cross after learning it’s sin!

    Brother takes off his cross after learning it’s sin!

  7. The Samaritans were Israelites, Samaria was the capital of northern kingdom.

    The Samaritans were Israelites, Samaria was the capital of northern kingdom.

  8. Captain Aryeh tells the brother men must uncover their heads when reading the Bible!

    Captain Aryeh tells the brother men must uncover their heads when reading the Bible!

  9. One persons disobedience can destroy a multitude.

    One persons disobedience can destroy a multitude.

  10. Hope, the fear of God, and knowledge, are suppose to dwell in us, because we are the temple of God.

    Hope, the fear of God, and knowledge, are suppose to dwell in us, because we are the temple of God.

  11. The white man came peacefully to the Native Americans, and then slaughtered them.

    The white man came peacefully to the Native Americans, and then slaughtered them.

  12. We are spiritually blind! We see the injustice but don’t do anything about it.

    We are spiritually blind! We see the injustice but don’t do anything about it.

  13. We must be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath!

    We must be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath!

  14. If you hate your brother, you are a murderer.

    If you hate your brother, you are a murderer.

  15. The blacks, latinos, and natives were prophesied to discontinue from their heritage.

    The blacks, latinos, and natives were prophesied to discontinue from their heritage.

  16. They took the yokes of iron off our neck, and now it is spiritually and mentally on our minds.

    They took the yokes of iron off our neck, and now it is spiritually and mentally on our minds.

  17. We are getting punished for committing sin against the Lord our Father.

    We are getting punished for committing sin against the Lord our Father.

  18. Prove yourself to the Lord!! Do all things for Him!

    Prove yourself to the Lord!! Do all things for Him!

  19. Those of us that keep the #commandments are the #firstfruits.

    Those of us that keep the #commandments are the #firstfruits.

  20. As men rise up in dignity and rank, some of them have the propensity to go off.

    As men rise up in dignity and rank, some of them have the propensity to go off.

  21. Our people that don't have the understanding of their true identity are in the CongregationOfTheDead

    Our people that don't have the understanding of their true identity are in the CongregationOfTheDead
