Michael Levine | Branding 101 | The Best-Selling Author & Public Relations Expert of Choice for Prince, Michael Jackson, Nike, George Carlin, Charlton Heston, 58 Academy Award Winners, 36 Grammy Award-Winners
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Nike” - Greek goddess of victory (identified by the Romans with their Victoria), literally "victory, upper hand" (in battle, in contests, in court), connected with neikos "quarrel, strife”
Branding | Branding 101 Taught By the Public Relations Consultant of Choice for Pizza Hut, Nike, Prince, George Carlin + “The search engine definitely helped. It doesn’t matter how good you are if you aren’t getting enough leads." - Ryan Wimpey
Branding | Branding 101 w/ Michael Levine (The PR consultant of choice for Nike, Pizza Hut, George Carlin, Michael Jackson, Prince, etc.) + Why Advertising Is What You Pay for And Why Public Relations Is What You Pray For + Ryan Wimpey Success Story
Michael Levine | PR Consultant of Choice for MJ, Prince, Nike, 58 Academy Winners, 34 Grammy Winners & 43 NY Times Best-sellers Shares How How He Overcome Poverty & Dyslexia + Join Tebow At Dec 5-6 Business Workshop!