Biden Clown Anti-2nd-Amendment Show: "I've attended too many mass shootings... who needs a magazine that can hold 200 shells... if they wanna think to take on government, guess what, they need F-15s! They don't need a rifle!.."
Biden Clown Show: "I spent a lot of time with Xi Jinping... electric charging stations have to be as easy to find as a gas station!.. China is not on the rise? Excuse me, China is on the rise, America is falling behind!"
Biden campaign manager: Mass amnesty to illegal aliens are the things that matter most to American communities across the country that really deserve the opportunity that we know is so important in this election.
Trump hater Reid attempts to scare her viewers assuring them that Trump will "release violent insurrectionists, open migrant mass detention camps, execute people he does not like, destroy democracy & install straight-up fascism."
Fauci hearing: "The American public didn't get to see the scientific data to support these mandates. Americans were aggressively bullied, shamed, and silenced merely questioning social distancing, masks, vaccines, or the origins of covid."
Trump podziękował Schwabowi za prezentację otwierającą i powiedział publiczności w Davos, że „uczyni Amerykę światową stolicą sztucznej inteligencji i kryptowalut”.