Methylene blue with Jonah Bolt from the Quantum Collective order link below, promo code truth or cut and paste this link
Pascal Najadi Live 4/25/24: links below! Doubles, Elon Musk, Alex Jones, JFK and JR, Donald Marshall new book #1 on amazon in Reptiles and Amphibians TruthStream #253 4/25/24
SG Anon joins us the first 90 minutes then freeflow. Current Events, Entertainment World, Israel, Bridge Collapse, Petro Dollar, Humanity, Unity, Consciousness. Links below! TruthStream #251
An excerpt of Dr David Martin speaking on the 12 senses in Spaces on 3/5. Full audio on X link below, David's website here
Dr David Martin: Humanity, 12 senses, A beautiful, vulnerable & empowering conversation 5/24/24 TruthStream #262 (links below, look below ad on phone and tablet)
Masterpeace Detox: SCIENTIFIC PROOF > MICROCHIPS & GRAPHENE IN OUR BODIES! REMOVE WITH MASTERPEACE>LINK BELOW! For those jabbed and unjabbed, graphene oxide found in both!
Breaking News: WTF with Stephen Tenner/Pascal Najadi?! Live 10/15 #309 (links below) may be our most entertaining show! Lots of laughs but a serious topic!