Bunkers | Why Are Billionaires Building Big Bunkers? Isaiah 2:19-21, Daniel 2:41-42, Revelation 6:14-17 "When the Flood Comes Scientists Will Build a Noah's Ark for ELITE Leaving the Rest to Drown." - Yuval Noah Harari
Donald J. Trump And The Rapture + Is "Donald J. Trump" Referenced In The Bible? + Does Trump Name Have Biblical Meaning? 1st Thess 4: 13-18 + 1st Cor 15:52 + A DEEP DIVE Bible + Cyrus, Isaiah 45 + 7 Signs of Very End Times
Donald J. Trump And The Rapture + Is "Donald J. Trump" Referenced In The Bible? + Does Trump Name Have Biblical Meaning? 1st Thess 4: 13-18 + 1st Cor 15:52 + A DEEP DIVE Bible + Cyrus, Isaiah 45
Desert Greening | Why Are the Deserts In the Middle East Turning Green? How the United Arab Emirates Is Turning Its Desert Green? Weather Modification 101 + Isaiah 41: 18-19
Desert Greening | DEVELOPING- April 16th 2024, The Desert City of Dubai Is Underwater + More Than 4.7ins (120mm) of Rain Has Already Fallen On April 16th 2024 (The Typical Yearly Average) + Isaiah 41-18 Deserts Turning Green?
Desert Greening | DEVELOPING- April 16th 2024, The Desert City of Dubai Is Underwater + More Than 4.7ins (120mm) of Rain Has Already Fallen On April 16th 2024 (The Typical Yearly Average) + Isaiah 41-18 - Deserts Turning Green?
Quando Lady Aspen Meloni detta Giorgia era a Washington al giuramento presidenziale del 47° presidente USA Donald John Trump.Unica presente tra i leader europei il 20 gennaio 2025
NOTIZIE DAL MONDO Netanyahu a Trump:'La vittoria di Israele sarà vittoria dell'America,Il suo piano può cambiare la storia'.Così Netanyahu alla Casa Bianca a Washington al 47°presidente Donald John Trump il 4 febbraio 2025
I modi sorprendenti con cui l'AIPAC plasma la politica americana DOCUMENTARIO AIPAC( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) è una lobby americana nota per il forte sostegno allo Stato SIONISTA d'Israele.
Cos'è l'AIPAC e cosa fa? DOCUMENTARIO AIPAC( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) è una lobby americana nota per il forte sostegno allo Stato SIONISTA d'Israele.