The Program “Democracy” Runs Deep (So Does the “Q” PsyOp—and We’ll Get to That Too). Benjamin Franklyn: Democracy is Nothing More Than Mob-Rule Where 51% Get to Take Away the Rights of, and Trample Over the Other 49%! | Jean Nolan, INSPIRED.
Sylvester Stallone Calls for a Human Future! | WE in 5D: BOOM! I Agree with 99% of This. Wheels on Luggage is Ok—Let's Not Get Crazy, BUT I Agree.. Humans are P*ssies!
Trump Hires Private Security as Pentagon CONFIRMS Plot Against Trump, Army Special Operations Lt. Col. Pro-Opinion is That There Were AT LEAST 2 Shooters Trying to Kill Trump, and Roger Stone Responds to Biden Dropping Out and Warns of Hillary! (07/21/24)
Ben Shapiro Thinks Retirement Altogether is Stupid, Trump Not too Far Off. This Country is Just Getting Worse and Worse.. BUT That's What it Takes to Build a Whole New Earth! #DeathAndRebirth
"If You Want it You've Already Got it. If You Thought it, it Better Be What You Want! If You Feel it, IT MUST BE REAL..." (Law of Attraction) —Madonna. "You Will Stay with What You Have Created" (3D ⬌ 5D) —Dolores Cannon.
Nearly EVERY City Will Be “Athens”. Sounds Scary, But You’ll Be SO Happy and More At Ease Than You Realize (Get to Know Your Sheriff). Closest Phase to 5D Yet Before Actually Reaching it! Oooh, You're Gonna Do the Work!!
Pres. Trump to BLOW the Lid Off JFK Assassination.. For REAL This Time!! At Least That’s What He Says in Latest Interview! (6/20/24) — All-In Podcast | WE in 5D: PODCASTS AND INDEPENDENT MEDIA IS EXACTLY [AND ALMOST ONLYYY] WHAT HE SHOULD BE DOING‼
Stranger From Venus (1954 Full Movie) [COLORIZED] | Sci-Fi/Thriller | Summary: A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Helmut Dantine) from Venus here to warn humanity that nuclear weapons would destroy ALL humanoids of our solar system.
Stranger From Venus (1954 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Thriller | Summary: A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Helmut Dantine) from Venus here to warn humanity that if they don't eliminate nuclear weapons ALL humanoids of our solar system will not survive.
BREAKING: WW3 Begins? Massive Terror Attack in Moscow Shopping Mall! | WE in 5D: Get it Together, Whatever Your Personal Method. Power Can Go Off at ANYTIME. Note, You’re Safe From Nuclear Disaster as ET’s Won’t Allow it. Beyond That—ON YOUR OWN!
BOMBSHELL: Pity Diddy Just the Tip of the Iceberg! Might He Expose Them ALL? They're After Him Not to Gather Evidence, BUT TO HIDE IT! Remember Folks, This is 3D. You Don't Get to 5D TIL YOU TAKE IT. | Redacted News
MSNBC Reporter Gets Mind BLOWN by Trump Supporters Telling Their Truth—They Don't Care, They're Not Required to Care, and They Will Put Themselves First (Aside From the Fact That What’s Actually Happening is Compassion-Weaponization!)
Better Take at Least Some of That Green Shit OUT.. and Start Figuring and Planning Who/Which Community(s) You'll Be a Part of and Doing Transactions with OUTSIDE of CBDC! And Get Some Gold.
SHOCK VIDEO: Homeowner Gets ARRESTED.. Instead of the Squatters! | WE in 5D: Florida Friend—"If I Was a NY Homeowner You Mean I Couldn't Shoot Them?" Me—"Rememberrr.. Blue Lives Matterrr! THEY'RE JUST DOING THEIR JOB 卐”
NYC LOVES TRUMP? Hope Ya'll Get to Vote for Him, for Your Own Sake! | WE in 5D: I Love Trump as One of Multiple Archetypes Which Speak to Aspects of My Own Essense. HOWEVER, My Inner-Peace/Divine Protection Come From No Outside Source, as Such!
The Man Who Gave Michael and Madonna the "Crotch Grab".. Which Soon After Almost Got Madonna Arrested in Canada! [Nearly Fascist Then, Entirely Communist Today!] | Choreographer, Vincent Patterson, for The 1990 Blond Ambition Tour.
Angels, Demons, and What Low-Resolution People (That's Most) Call "God" [Which is ACTUALLY Source-Energy/Origin-Source/All-That-Is] | Ayahuasca Expert, Shawn Chester on the Aubrey Marcus Podcast.
Amos 'N' Andy: Check and Double Check (1930 Full Movie) | Pre-Code/Comedy | Freeman Gosden, Charles Correll (Blackface) | Summary: Amos and Andy go into the taxi business and get caught up in a society hassle driving musicians to a fancy party.
Biden Just Got COVID: 1. This is an Opportunity for the Illuminati to X Him—"COVID to Get Him Out of the Race"?, 2. Joy Reid Argues Biden Getting COVID is Exactly Like Trump Getting Shot (Stupidity Overload!)