Elon Musk | "If You Think of the Brain Like a Computer or a Circle Board. The Vast Majority of Diseases or Brain Issues Are Fixable With a Neuralink Device. It's a Fine Device for Reading & Writing Electrical Signals In the Brain."
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 07.25.24 | "I Vowed to Destroy the Woke Mind Virus." - Musk + "We Need An Antivirus for the Brain." - Harari | Problem = Woke Mind Virus? Solution = Antivirus for the Brain + Rev 17:13, 2nd Timothy 3:1
Woke Mind Virus | "I Vowed to Destroy the Woke Mind Virus." - Elon Musk + "We Need An Antivirus for the Brain." - Yuval Noah Harari | Problem = Woke Mind Virus? Solution = Antivirus for the Brain + Rev 17:13, 2nd Timothy 3:1-5