1. The U.S. Corporation's DOD Planes Are Spraying Poisons Over Populated Areas. Not Enough People Injected Their Bioweapon During The Plandemic So Spraying Poisons And Burning Families To Death Is Acceptable Under The Hoax Of "Climate Change".

    The U.S. Corporation's DOD Planes Are Spraying Poisons Over Populated Areas. Not Enough People Injected Their Bioweapon During The Plandemic So Spraying Poisons And Burning Families To Death Is Acceptable Under The Hoax Of "Climate Change".

  2. Are you laughing WITH the people that just tried to murder you four years ago with their PLANDEMIC

    Are you laughing WITH the people that just tried to murder you four years ago with their PLANDEMIC

  3. Kennedy goes pro vaccine with the new government measles PLANDEMIC

    Kennedy goes pro vaccine with the new government measles PLANDEMIC
