2 days agoSloths spend most of their lives hanging on tree branches away from predators' tentacle!!!05_05_1994
4 days agoETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Easter” - from Proto-Germanic *austron-, "dawn," also the name of a goddess whose feast was celebrated in Eastermonað (the Anglo-Saxon month corresponding with April). 🕎Ezekiel 8:12-18 KJVRoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
2 days agoBiography Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganj-e-Shakar and his shrine | حضرت بابا فرید الدین اور ان کا مزارISLAMIC HISTORY
27 days agoNortheast Ohio Grassman / BigFoot: claim 2 Night Hunt🔔 🆂🆄🅱🆂🅲🆁🅸🅱🅴 🔔 www.youtube.com/@TheCameraManCrew