9 days agoOffGrid: ALL Chickens Mandatory mRNA. Permanent DNA Corruption - Biohazard PoisoningTheWarAgainstYou
9 hours agoHuman trafficking being used by deep state to fund elections and opposition in the media against Trump Team.michaelj5326Verified
21 days agoJack Smith Received a ‘Gift’ of $140,000 in Pro Bono Legal Services from High-Powered DC FirmMyCatholicRedPill
1 day agoWar with Mexican cartels draws near as weapons are bought on the black market from Ukraine and Afghanistan. Most major cities have terrorist gangs.michaelj5326Verified
21 hours agoTo Our Friends & Followers The 40 Day “Resurrection” In Natural Selection RebirthTheWitness27
2 days agoWorld news, Giants, Kings of Old and how it ties into the rising consciousness of mankind. President Trumps many lifetimes revealed.michaelj5326Verified
3 days agoThe latest world news at 5 with Live Mike. Democrats and liberals worldwide are attracting hell on earth to their communities by their actions.michaelj5326Verified
6 days agoJuan O Savin reveals the latest back channel intel on the world wide deep state take down.michaelj5326Verified
7 days agoThe latest World News at 5 with Live Mike. Deep state reveals go into hyper drive.michaelj5326Verified
4 days agoWill President Trump reveal hidden messages and announce arrests on the congress report?michaelj5326Verified
5 days agoMeta/Myrtle Beach DEW fires, Elon assassination threat, battle for human souls.michaelj5326Verified
20 days agoBreaking news with Juan O Savin and what's coming as Team Trump destroys the deep state.michaelj5326Verified
10 days agoAre military generals, FBI and Intel officers destroying documents that implicate them in treason?michaelj5326Verified
6 days agoInternational Human Rights Lawyer exposes tax payer funded Child Sex Trafficking in Floridamichaelj5326Verified
15 days agoThe Epstein Island list reveal coming, IRS abolished and no taxes, Stock Market Crash?michaelj5326Verified