3 days agoOperation Crazy Cooker: Concerned about change in heartbeat that is not organicMatt Hayden Blogger
1 day agoABC builds work of article with three Matthews that is not just creepy but subtly threateningMatt Hayden Blogger
17 days agoToday's ABC start page has clear symbolic matrix that is definitely part of Operation Crazy CookerMatt Hayden Blogger
17 days agoMore deep state-engineered street theatre aimed at making me doubt my sanityMatt Hayden Blogger
13 days agoOperation Crazy Cooker: Sad Satanists cast silly Steven Seagal-style spells -- aikido knot!Matt Hayden Blogger
9 days agoABC tries super-hard with Matt-pattern article. Comms to those who pigged out on pink drink?Matt Hayden Blogger
8 days agoInsane Samantha Jones story has mad rabbit holes related to a crazy wombat tunnelMatt Hayden Blogger
8 days agoThoughts about physical symptoms that are clearly part of Operation Crazy CookerMatt Hayden Blogger
6 days agoStory on Mathew's fatal one punch attack echoes previous one about Matthew at HillarysMatt Hayden Blogger
6 days agoOperation Crazy Cooker: Two ABC articles featuring Matts, cops and more on same dayMatt Hayden Blogger
6 days agoRight on Q, Perth lie factory casts spells for Epstein Island, against me using my nameMatt Hayden Blogger
6 days agoDisturbed child harassed me near South Beach. Clearly part of psyop (ASIO?) that includes MSMMatt Hayden Blogger
4 days agoHaydn (17 years old) died in crash at Black Hill. Given patterns, you'll know why I noticed thisMatt Hayden Blogger
4 days agoABC runs symbol rich story about Matt bitten by tiger snake. Another subtle threat?Matt Hayden Blogger
4 days agoPerth's Sunday Times makes symbolic incantations for Bill, Hillary and Chelsea ClintonMatt Hayden Blogger
21 days agoWest Australian's wilting wand wavers lament death of secret evil traditionMatt Hayden Blogger
1 month agoOperation Crazy Cooker continues with theatrical gun-toting on trains, planes and automobilesMatt Hayden Blogger
1 month agoDid their ABC's story on ASIO about threats to Aussie citizens contain a subtle one itself?Matt Hayden Blogger
1 month agoTheir ABC's culture vultures see Perth man Hayden as a symbolic lifesaverMatt Hayden Blogger
1 month agoTheir ABC's mad witches throw more Matts into the cauldron to cast spells for HillaryMatt Hayden Blogger