3 days ago🔥 INTENSE Flat Earth Debate | Eddie Bravo, Alex Jones & Dave Weiss Face OffFlat Earth Revolution Official
1 month ago[Oct 28, 2024] Flat Earth Dave - Round or Flat? The Argument for Flat Earth [Edlow Podcast]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
6 days ago[Flyover Conservatives] Have We EVER Been to the Moon? - Conspiracy Conversations (EP #18) with David Whited + Flat Earth Dave Weiss [Aug 8, 2023]DITRH Interviews
15 hours ago[ami1649] Discussing Flat-Earth With My Favorite Flat-Earther Dave Weiss [Aug 14, 2023]DITRH Interviews
20 days ago[Jun 13, 2024] Flat Earth | Dave Weiss (TPC #1,508) [Tommy's Podcast]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
3 hours ago[DITRH SHORTS] Discovering the Truth: Exposing NASA's Earth Diameter Misconception through Math - Interview With Flat Earth Dave - ami1649 [Aug 14, 2023]DITRH Interviews
1 day ago[Andrew Gold] HEATED Fight with Flat Earther David Weiss (DEBUNK) [Aug 14, 2023]DITRH Interviews
16 days ago[Nov 17, 2024] The Final Experiment Talk 2 David Weiss ¦ Joe Hanvey ¦ Psychedelicizationism #VikkaDraziv CLIP [Flat Earth Dave Interviews]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
1 day ago[Delmarva Studios] Interview with "Flat Earth Dave" David Weiss [Aug 10, 2023]DITRH Interviews
3 days ago[Delmarva Studios] Interview with "Flat Earth Dave" David Weiss [Aug 10, 2023]DITRH Interviews
7 days ago[Jan 5, 2025] Weiss Guy. Tinfoil Sombrero #33 - -Keeping it easy and covering some bases. [Tin Foil Sombrero]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
1 month ago[DITRH SHORTS] Nozzles: They Left Joe Shoelaces On The Moon - CCAB 100th Episode Dave Weiss [Jun 12, 2023]DITRH Interviews
26 days ago[DITRH SHORTS] The Tupac Rocket - CCAB 100th Episode Dave Weiss [Jun 12, 2023]DITRH Interviews
11 days ago[Jul 17, 2024] Impossible Orbits of the Globe Prove Flat Earth [Brian Hamilton]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
27 days ago[DITRH SHORTS] The International FAKE Station - CCAB 100th Episode Dave Weiss [Jun 12, 2023]DITRH Interviews
2 days ago[Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2] The Flat Earth Files PODCAST {clip} [Aug 10, 2023]DITRH Interviews
26 days ago[DITRH SHORTS] The SR71 Blackbird - CCAB 100th Episode Dave Weiss [Jun 12, 2023]DITRH Interviews
1 month ago[DITRH SHORTS] Rockets vs Tornados - CCAB 100th Episode Dave Weiss [Jun 12, 2023]DITRH Interviews
27 days ago[DITRH SHORTS] Square Lights In His Visor - CCAB 100th Episode Dave Weiss [Jun 12, 2023]DITRH Interviews