6 days ago3.5.25: DEMS are [Cooked], The signal has been sent and TIDE is turning, HISTORICAL Speech, MSM meltdown, PRAY!And We KnowVerified
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11 days ago'International Scientist Appeal' on Risks of 'EMF's, Presented to the UN Prior to '5G' PlandemicBiological Medicine
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12 days agoThe Cabal-Run UN and WHO Knew about the Dangers of 5G EMF Radiation Back in 2018Biological Medicine
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6 days agoDEMS are [Cooked], The signal has been sent and TIDE is turning, HISTORICAL Speech, MSM meltdown, PRAY! 3.5.25SierraDelta
5 days agoDEMS are [Cooked], The signal has been sent & TIDE's turning, HISTORICAL Speech, MSM melt 3.5.25 ~ And We KnowTruths UnlimitedVerified
9 days agoURGENT WARNING FOR THE VACCINATED: Rid Your Body Of Graphene Oxide Or NanobotsBiological Medicine
14 days agoDr 'Dietrich Klinghardt': There May Be a Plot to Impair the Pineal Gland, Severing Humanity from the Creator and True Cosmos !Biological Medicine
9 days agoWUHAN, 5G, COVID, MEDIA, VACCINE & NWO - The Truth Shall Free Humanity from the New-World-Order CultBiological Medicine
14 days agoSmart Meters & Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR): Health Crisis of Our Time | Dr 'Dietrich Klinghardt'Biological Medicine
17 days agoThe Dangers of 2.4 Ghz 'Wi-Fi'and '3G' - '5G' 'Electromagnetic Radiation' | 'Dr. 'Dietrich Klinghardt'Biological Medicine