15 hours agoPsalm 135 Psalmul 135 Romanian orthodox #romanianorthodox #romania #orthodox #orthodoxySrdjanNS
6 days agoPsalmul 135 Mărturisiți vă Domnului că este bun Give thanks to the Lord, for he is goodSrdjanNS
17 days agoFind courage in knowing Jesus is Lord #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaithSrdjanNS
22 days agoOrthodox brotherhood #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaith #ορθόδοξοσ #pravoslavljeSrdjanNS
18 days agoThe Confession of Faith #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaith #pravoslavljeSrdjanNS
18 days agoByzantine hymn - Orthodox chant #byzantine #byzantinechant #orthodox #orthodoxchristianSrdjanNS
25 days agoBulgarian Orthodox Chant Българско православно песнопение #orthodoxy #bulgarianorthodox #bulgariaSrdjanNS
17 days agoByzantine hymn - Orthodox chant #byzantine #byzantinechant #orthodox #orthodoxchristianSrdjanNS
16 days agoRussian orthodox chant - Покаяния отверзи ми двери Open the doors of repentance to meSrdjanNS
15 days agoThe bells of the oldest church in Mosul, the Syriac Orthodox church of Mor Touma rings againSrdjanNS
15 days agoRussian chant - Се, Жених грядет в полунощи Behold, the Bridegroom cometh at midnightSrdjanNS
24 days agoOrthodox Cats #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #theotokos #christianity #orthodoxfaith #ορθόδοξοσSrdjanNS
16 days agoRotonda of Thessaloniki #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaith #ορθόδοξοσ #pravoslavljeSrdjanNS
25 days agoOrthodox in winter is so beautiful #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaith #ορθόδοξοσSrdjanNS
23 days agoMatthew 19:14 Jesus said “Let the little children come to me" #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristianSrdjanNS