Yuval Noah Harari | Should We Invited Yuval Noah Harari to Speak At the Las Vegas ReAwaken America Tour? Should We Do A Q&A Session With Yuval Noah Harari? "If Two Men Love Each Other, Why Should This Be a Sin?" - Yuval Noah Harari
The Remnant Church | Pastor Leon Benjamin Discusses the Sin of Lasciviousness (Galatians 5:19, Jude 1:7, Leviticus 18:22, Etc.) + Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Wanting to Re-Write The Holy Bible Using A.I.?
Yuval Noah Harari | "In the Bible, Humans Sin & Then God Punishes Them for Their Sin, By Unleashing the Flood. It's Much More Difficult to Go Beyond This Biblical Narrative." + "Soon We Will Be Beyond the God of the Bible."