Canada | "I Think Canada Would Be Much Better Off Being the 51st State Because We Lose $200 Billion Per Year w/ Canada & I'm Not Going to Let That Happen. Why Are We Paying $200 Billion Essentially In Subsidy to Canada?"
Ye (Kanye West) | Why Did Ye (Kanye West) State the Following?: "I Don't Like the Word Evil Next to Nazis," "Every Human Being Has Something of Value That They Brought to the Table ESPECIALLY HITLER" and "I Like Hitler"
666 Days | Why Did Biden Sign Jerusalem Declaration Calling for a Two-State Solution On July 14th 2022 666 Days After the Abraham Accords Were Signed on September 15th 2020?
Yuval Noah Harari | Ending Marriage | "You Don't Need Children, You Can Have a Pension Fund. You Don't Need Neighbors, Sisters or Brothers. The State Provides You With Everything."
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval State the Following? "If You Look at the Economic System. The Most Successful Story Ever Told Is the Story of Money."
The Great Reset | The Surveillance State Explained Including: CBDCs, Street Lights That Kill & "They Are Listening In. If Your Device Has a Microphone They Are Listening. Your Cell Phone Is Listening And We Are Being Scored by A.I." - Aman
CRISPR | Jennifer Doudna | Why Is Jennifer Doudna Stating At the World Economic Forum, "Imagine That We Had a Tool Where We Could Fix Mutations In Actual DNA, a Text Editor for DNA and Cells?"
Dr. Peter McCullough | BREAKING - Analysis of Biden’s Neurological Decline and What is Causing it | Who Will Follow Him? | Why is COLORADO Declaring a STATE OF EMERGENCY? | Courageous Discourse
Monkeypox | BREAKING NEWS!!! NY Monkeypox Emergency Declared, Why Spokesperson States, "People Don't Understand the Way Gay and Bi Men Have Sex, Why They Have Group Sex and Why They Have Sex When It Bares Risk to Their Lives."
Anti-Radiation Medication | Why Did the United States Department of Health and Human Services Just Buy $300 Million of Anti-Radiation Poisoning Medication?
Ye (Kanye West) | Why Did Ye (Kanye West) State? "I Don't Like the Word Evil Next to Nazis," "Every Human Being Has Something of Value That They Brought to the Table ESPECIALLY HITLER" and "I Like Hitler"?
Elon Musk | Elon Musk's Neural Link Event + Why Did Are Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, Ray Kurzweil, Grimes, Sergey Brin and The World Economic Forum All Discussing Connecting Brains to Computers? "You Could Also Save Your Brain State Like a
The Great Reset | Why Did Franklin D. Kramer State, "The Focus Is On the Internet of Bodies Involving Medical Implants and Other Kinds of Implants That Go Inside Your Body?"
Yuval Noah Harari | Hacking Humans | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Stating, "Most People Will Be Willing to Give Up Their Privacy for Much Better Health Care?"