2 years ago#sunburn।। #सन बर्न।।homeopathic treatment।।#Symptoms and remedies #sunburntreatment #heatstrokeDr. Minakshi singh
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2 years agoDiabetes reason, prevention,home remedies and treatment। #diabetes #sugar #मधुमेहDr. Minakshi singh
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2 years agoVaricose (Spider) Veins, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments #drminakshisinghDr. Minakshi singh
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2 years agodysmenorrhoea ,Menstrual crampsअब और नहीं #periodpain #dysmenorrhoeahomeopathicmedicine #periodcrampDr. Minakshi singh
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2 years agoProstate gland enlargement | प्रोस्टेट ग्रंथि का बढ़ना कारण और उपचार #homeopathy #प्रोस्टेटDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoTop 5 homeopathic medicine for Diabeties #drminakshisingh | मधुमेह की होम्योपैथी दवाDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoDiabetic diet।। शुगर में क्या खाएं क्या ना खाए।। #diabeticdiet #sugarmekyakhaye #drminakshisinghDr. Minakshi singh