R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #45 -- Tuesday, July 19th, 2022). Fellowship Chair: Dr. V. Zelenko z"l (of blessed memory). Seminar Co-Chairs: Z. Livshits, B. Saltzberg, F. Zelenko. Guest: Dr. Pam Popper
R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #46 -- Tuesday, July 26th, 2022/Tammuz 28, 5782). Fellowship Chair: Dr. V. Zelenko z"l (of blessed memory). Seminar Co-Chairs: Z. Livshits, B. Saltzberg, F. Zelenko
R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #42 -- July 5th, 2022) Fellowship Chair: Dr. V. Zelenko z"l (of blessed memory). Seminar Co-Chairs: Z. Livshits, B. Saltzberg, F. Zelenko. Guest: Dr. Peter Breggin
R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #43 -- July 12th, 2022/Tammuz 13, 5782) Fellowship Chair: Dr. V. Zelenko z"l (of blessed memory). Seminar Co-Chairs: Z. Livshits, B. Saltzberg, F. Zelenko. Guest: Laurie Cardoza-Moore
June 18-19-2024 Imitational moon/what would be as strong as gravity similar to the moon?Ai tracking moon cycles/New moon July 5th/Two new moons/Alot happening with the weather its all over the place/Hurricane with high winds/Dome ice triangles??waxing moo
R&B Weekly Seminar: Medical War Crimes (Episode #46 -- Wednesday, July 6th, 2022/Tammuz 7, 5782) Chair: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Topic: Tribute to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko z"l (of blessed memory -- November 27, 1973 -- June 30, 2022)