CBDCs | Central Bank Digital Currencies | "We're Developing an Ability for Consumers to Measure Their Own Carbon Footprint. Where Are They Traveling? How Are They Traveling? What Are They Eating? Individual Carbon Foot Print Tracker."
ReAwaken America Tour | Final 3 Locations Announced!!! Why Is the Military Developing LOCUST Swarm Drones? Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Saying That "A New Stalin Has the Ability to Re-Engineer the Human Body?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are In the Process of Developing Divine Abilities and Turning Ourselves Into Gods and I Mean This In the Most Literal Sense Possible, It's Not a Metaphor"
CBDCs | "We're Developing an Ability for Consumers to Measure Their Own Carbon Footprint. Where Are They Traveling? How Are They Traveling? What Are They Eating? Individual Carbon Foot Print Tracker." - J. Michael Evans
CBDCs | "The Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control On the Rules and Regulations That Will Determine That Expression of Liability and the Ability to Enforce it." - Maajid Nawaz (Investigative Journalist)
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Hitlers of the 21st Century with Tools Like A.I. and Bioengineering, They Will Have the Ability to Reengineer the Human Body and the Mind."
CBDCs | "The Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control On the Rules and Regulations That Will Determine That Expression of Liability and the Ability to Enforce it."
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Ability to Change Yourself, to Change Your Body And to Change Your Brain Is Going to Put Enormous Philosophical Challenges In Front of the Average Person."
Yuval Noah Harari | “Organisms Are Really Algorithms, And Therefore Algorithms Can Hack Organisms. Biological Knowledge Multiplied by Computing Power Multiplied by Data Equals the Ability to HACK HUMANS.”
Yuval Noah Harari | "Because of the New Technologies, for the First Time They Are Giving Us the Ability to Re-Engineer Humanity, to Re-Engineer the Human Body and the Human Mind"
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Don't Need Any Religion or Any Government to Have Morality Because Morality Is Not About Obeying a Certain Set of Laws Because Morality Is About Suffering."