Spiritual Gates and Beings in the Spirit World + Emerald City (Underground, Located Under the Pentagon) + Alice, CERN, To Open the Spiritual Gates Mechanically
Mark of the Beast, Visible, Written on the Forehead or Right Hand + Currencies, Soleprint, Handprint, Breath Sound, Number + We Are Spiritual Beings, We Each Have a Quantum Signature + Vibe Stat, Starlink
7 Large Spiritual Gates, Vertical Access Not Horizontal + Satan's End-Time Agenda To Bring Demons (in the Bodies of Possessed Human Beings) Through the Spiritual Gates into the Throne Room in Order to Usurp the Throne of God
Adrenochrome, Two Uses, For Spiritual Acuity and For Psychosis in Rituals + Sickness Afterwards + Witch Battles, People in the System Want More Power, They Want to Take it From You