3 years agoFossil prep: fossil hunter discovers rare shark tooth hidden inside a rockMamlambo Fossils
2 years agoFossil hunter finds a rock packed full of rare fossil shark teeth! The find of a lifetime!Mamlambo Fossils
2 months agoUltimate Fossil Shark Teeth Hunts: Peace River vs. Venice, Florida | Best Shark Tooth Hunting Spots!Find Adventure Everywhere
1 year agoShark teeth fossils 4 #coins #coin #relic #warof1812 #treasure #arrowhead #sharkteeth #buttonsCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agoShark teeth fossils 2 #coin #relic #warof1812 #coins #treasure #arrowhead #sharkteeth #crystalCNYRELICPOSSE
2 years agoAnother fossil skull - it could be the missing piece! [rare marlin fossil]Mamlambo Fossils
4 months agoFossil Recovery. Take Airboat Find Million-Year-Old Fossils. Meg Shark Mammoth Mastodon MUCH MORE.IHUCT
1 year agofirst fancy #treasure #relic #coins #metaldetecting #silver #buttons #trending #civilwar #fossilCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agoReale #treasure #relic #coins #silver #metaldetecting #coin #reale #trending #civilwar #fossilCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agono 3 ringers #treasure #relic #coins #metaldetecting #silver #buttons #trending #civilwar #fossilCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agoWife shackle #treasure #relic #coins #metaldetecting #buttons #civilwar #trending #silver #fossilCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agoold foundation #treasure #relic #coins #fossil #silver #buttons #civilwar #metaldetecting #trendingCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agoModel T hub! #treasure #relic #coins #fossil #silver #buttons #metaldetecting #trending #civilwarCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agomissed money #treasure #relic #coins #fossil #silver #metaldetecting #civilwar #buttons #trendingCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agoornate sumpin #treasure #relic #coins #fossil #silver #buttons #metaldetecting #civilwar #trendingCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agoReale #treasure #relic #coins #fossil #silver #buttons #metaldetecting #civilwar #trendingCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agoOxen here, hmmmm #treasure #relic #coins #fossil #silver #buttons #metaldetecting #civilwarCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agoMade me cry!! #treasure #relic #coins #fossil #silver #buttons #civilwar #metaldetecting #trendingCNYRELICPOSSE