Difficulty in School with Reading & Math, Dr. Seuss, Charles Dickens, Some Teachers Were Not in the System + Got Out of the System At the Age of 10, Pretty Normal Life until the Age of 44
Clip of an Exorcism with Ed and Lorraine Warren + Changeling Spirits, Illuminati Protectors, Vampires and Werewolves, Connected to Spirits at the Age of 5 + It's Not an Illusion, Their Bones Actually Do Move
Children in the System, Fully Trained for their Position by the Age of 10 + Orders for Children, Masonic, Jesuit and Mormon Connections + Possible to Get to Very High Levels with No Knowledge of Having Been Involved Since Childhood & Being Abused
Jessie Was Fully Trained for her Position by the Age of 10, The Lord Released Jessie from the System at 10-Years-Old, Like a Wedge that Separated Them + Healing, Deliverance, Speaking Out + Halloween of 1984, Breaking Code of Silence, House Fire
Witch Battles & Training Partner's Protector Battle Against Chief of Police, Took Place at Neuschwanstein (Real Mothers of Darkness Castle), GHPs and SOLs Present + Jessie's Training Partner Won at the Age of 7, Became Head of Protector Dept
Katy Perry Wide Awake Music Video Decode, Release Dates, Carousel Mind Control Program, Sandman, Dreamy, Cotton Candy-Like Clouds + Carousel Programmed People Could be Triggered into Beta Kitty Sex Slave Alter, Doll Alter aka Thumbelina Installed at Age 2