Clay Clark Client Success Story | Kansas City-Based & Auto Detailing + 24X Lead Increase + "It's Like Having Someone That Is Constantly Coaching Me On. I've Overwhelmed With the Leads Coming In!"
APerfectClean.Net | Clay Clark Client Success Story | Brian Mukabi Shares How Implementing Clay's Proven Systems Increased His Recurring Revenue By 360% Including: Merit-Based Pay, Search Engine Optimization & Sales Systems
Business | How Clay Clark Helped Jon Kelly to Grow His Business from $2,000,000 to $8,000,000 In Annual Revenue + How We Turned $24,607 Advertisement Investment Into a $3,532,537 Result + Why Weekly Coaching Is the Anecdote to Drifting
APerfectClean.Net | Clay Clark Client Success Story | Brian Mukabi Shares How Implementing Clay's Proven Systems Increased His Recurring Revenue By 360% Including: Merit-Based Pay, Search Engine Optimization & Sales Systems
Business | "He (Clay Clark) Has Helped Us Increase Our Revenue By Over 300% In Less Than a Year So Far. Clay Clark Has Helped Us with Every Aspect of Our Business from Hiring to Training to Marketing and Even Accounting." - Rachel & Tyler
APerfectClean.Net | Brian Mukabi Shares How Implementing Clay Clark's Proven Systems Increased His Recurring Revenue By 360% Including: Merit-Based Pay, SEO, Sales, Hiring, Accounting & Linear Workflow Systems
It Took Pfizer Over 100 Years to Surpass $40 Billion in Annual Revenue Before COVID - Ed Dowd. But just last year, in 2022, they surpassed $100 billion in revenue.
Business | Breaking Down the EPIC 4X Growth of Kelly Construction from $2,000,000 to $8,000,000 In Annual Revenue + How We Helped Jon Kelly Turn a $24,607 Advertisement Investment Into a $3,532,537 Result + Why Weekly Coaching Is the Anecdote to Drifting