1 year agoNISSAN SKYLINE R34 😤 STUTUTUTUTU ASMR#ohshit #oooo #asmrgoalkeeping #stututu #r34skylinethreebrother
1 year agoNissan Skyline GT R Hot Wheels #hotwheels #fastandfurious #skyline #neon #r34skylinethebestcarbrand
1 year agoFull Video live on my YouTube Channel 😍🚗 #boosted #r34skyline #thejonesyexpressthejonesyexpress
1 year agoIt’s definitely a process 😂 #r34skyline #projectcar #modifiedcars #thejonesyexpressthejonesyexpress
1 year agoNone, just leave it alone 😂 #projectcars #r34skyline #r34nation #thejonesyexpressthejonesyexpress
1 year agoWhen they know the “Stage” but not the power or parts😂 #modifiedcars #r34skyline #thejonesyexpressthejonesyexpress
2 years agoFinally pulled my finger out and fixed the blown alternator on the Skyline #op100 #r34skylinethejonesyexpress