Culture War | “Protect Your Children”| Can a County Clerk go to Jail For Protecting Elections? | Guest: Tina Peters | Lawfare Courtesy of our Government
Trump Signs EO Permanently Protecting 2nd Amendment Rights/Missing plane in Alaska located; 10 found dead/Bill Gates ‘Predicts’ Black Swan Event Will Depopulate 94% of Global Population
(FIOS CENSORED) US DOD MARATHON! STARTING: Thurs.Jan30,-25! If you do nothing else this year: Watch this show on protecting ourselves from millions of Cross Border Sneak-Ins and fighting age foreign Terrorists and Military, Joe BIden brought to our door!
Olympic Official Admits ‘We Are Protecting a Pedophile Ring at Paris Olympics’/Trump: CBDCs Are A Threat To Liberty/Argentinian Leader Javier Milei Claims Communist Tyrant Nicolas Maduro HAS LOST HIS ELECTION in Venezuela /Tommy Robinson Released Afte