Yuval Noah Harari | "It's An Alliance Between the Financial and Political Institutions That Make This Thing Run. This Entire Thing Is One Huge Ponzi Scheme"
Yuval Noah Harari | "It's An Alliance Between the Financial and Political Institutions That Make This Thing Run. This Entire Thing Is One Huge Ponzi Scheme."
SIRIUS DOCUMENTARY (2014) - THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH. If we as a humanity want to collapse the entire paradigm as it is, and change the whole world, we all HAVE to know what we’re up against to begin with
Yuval Noah Harari | Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce 10 Universal Commandments | "A World with Completely Different Laws," & "We Will Rebuild the Temple"
Dr. Rashid Buttar | Yuval Noah Harari | The Connection Between Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce Ten Universal Commandments | "A World with Completely Different Laws," & "Rebuild the Temple.&a