3 months agoJewish run organised stalking a worldwide program and government staged false flag hoaxesGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoGovernment Run Organised Stalking in Communist Australia A Worldwide ProgramGlobal_communist_takeover1
6 days agoStalker #5 - How location affects the instances of stalking | Gang Stalking UK (2020)Just A Conspiracy?
1 year agoStasi 2.0 A large percentage of the population are working for the state gov organised stalkingGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoStalkers doing assignments Stasi 2.0 Government run organised stalking and false flags hoaxes psy opGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoGovernment run organised stalking And how did they pull off the Maui wildfiresGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoSunshine, Caroline Springs Shopping Centre Gov Organised stalking and Gov psy ops false flags hoaxesGlobal_communist_takeover1
5 months agoBoston bombings hoax paramedic crisis actors they also get used in the organised stalking programGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoA large percentage of the population are working for the state gov organised stalkingGlobal_communist_takeover1
5 months agoThe infiltration off the town of Sandy Hook to create the hoax and the organised stalking programGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agogovernment run organised stalking a worldwide program and false flags hoaxes psy-ops crisis actorsGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 years agogovernment run organised stalking using the citizens to let the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
4 months agosensitizing tactics Jewish run organised stalking connect the dots to the fake COVID-19 ScamdemicGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 years agogovernment run organised stalking using the citizens to let the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 years agogovernment run organised stalking using the citizens to let the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 years agogovernment run organised stalking using the citizens to let the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 years agogovernment run organised stalking using the citizens to let the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
3 months agoFreemason police doing assignments Jewish run organised stalking a worldwide program stasi 2.0Global_communist_takeover1
2 years agogovernment run organised stalking using the citizens to let the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 years agogovernment run organised stalking using the citizens to let the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 years agogovernment run organised stalking using the citizens to let the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
9 months agoStreet theater Jewish run organised stalking a worldwide program and false flag hoaxes gun grabGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 years agogovernment run organised stalking using the citizens to let the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1