Mike in the Night E575 - A big bag of shit ! , Canada is Fu cke d, USA is F u ck ed , more bullshit banker wars, Next weeks News Today , Headlines, Call ins
06/05/2021 - Mike in the Night E360 - NO JAB NO PHONE ! Unvaxed sim cards to be blocked!, Major Heart Issues and Blood Clots Ahead from Vaccine, Sheep Lining Up to get the next Vaccine, Governments wont take accountability ,
05/29/2021 , Mike in the Night! E356, The following will affect every English Speaking country in the World !, Vaccine Clots, Trudeau Hate Speech and sells out Canadians, Rate Hikes to Destroy Middle class By 2025, Fake Pandemic = Money Laundering in the
Mike In the Night E578 - The Biggest Show on Earth. Harris campaign says Trump will declare premature victory, while Dems plan to keep counting (counterfeit) ballot for days until they “win” Elections 2024
Mike in the Night! E591 - Why Canada needs a kick in the teeth, Why Trump Really wants Canada, Elon was a Democrat remember that folks, Next Weeks News Today !, Call Ins, Headlines
Mike in the night E590 - Its all a Script , Everything they tell you is a lie, They are now showing their Poker Hand, Next weeks News Today, Headlines Call ins