Electromagnetic Warfare Techniques … ATP 3-12.3 - CEMA working group is a group that focuses on Cyber Electromagnetic Activities, a US Army initiative that integrates cyberspace operations with other capabilities like intra body communication
The jewish owners of the UFC literally run a modelling agency, sending girls to Jeffrey Epstein/You voluntarily pay taxes, ladies and gentlemen. This woman worked for the IRS./Why were we never shown this?
Bio Sensors Are Part Of Warfare Doctrines So Stop The Gaslighting Lies Saying You Can Cleanse Them When You Can't Even Tell Us All The Different Types Or Explain Biodigital Convergence 6g Systems
Unknown Force Purportedly Torches Secret Raytheon-DARPA Warehouse in Tucson/Leaked Video Shows Moderna CEO Telling Fauci “We Should Fake a Pandemic” – One Month Before COVID/