Marina Abramović | What's the Connection Between Marina Abramović, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, The Crystal Wall of Crying, Crystal Oscillators, 5G, CERN, Shiva, Spirit-Cooking & Bill Gates?
Marina Abramović | Why Did Volodymyr Zelenskyy Name Abramovic As An Ambassador to Ukraine? Connection Between Abramović, Zelenskyy, Gaga, Podesta, The Crystal Wall of Crying, Crystal Oscillators, 5G, Spirit-Cooking, Aleister Crowley & Gates?
CBDCs | "2023 Is Going to Be a Pivotal Year. The U.S. Dollar Is Going to Have Some Problems This Year Which Might Lead to the Central Bank Digital Currency." - Glenn Beck
Marina Abramović | What's the Connection Between Marina Abramović, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, The Crystal Wall of Crying, Crystal Oscillators, 5G, CERN, Shiva, Spirit-Cooking & Bill Gates? Zelensky Asks Marina Abramovic to be Ambassador for Ukraine?