Madonna Was a High Priestess Under Gloria Vanderbilt, She Tried to Run and Get Out, The Song Like a Prayer (and others) Came Out of That + GV Had Made a Box Depicting Madonna Self-Mutilating and Attempting Suicide + Madonna (The Real One) is Still in
The Great Reset & The Anthropocene | Could There Be a Connection Between the Two? "Not Everyone Can Come Into the Future, Not Every That's Here Is Gonna Last." - Madonna (Future recorded by Madonna & Quavo - May 17th 2019)
Pre-Broken Soul Madonna Specific on Our Matrix: ‘IT’S A SETUP UNTIL YOU’RE FED UP!’ + Spirituality, Children, and the Middle East. And Roseanne Fans Will Note She and Madonna Shared the Same Kabbalah Teacher. “Nobody Knows Me” by Madonna.
You Desire Someone ‘Beautiful’, But in the Process You Forget WHO YOU REALLY ARE [What Madonna Learned About Placing ANYONE on a Pedestal] + Her Thoroughly Accurate Words on Jesus, Religion Vs. God; and Her Song “X-Static Process”.