Wireless systems at the intersection of physical and digital time | ITU | Beyond 5G evolves towards embracing sensing and communication, resulting in increased convergence of the digital and the physical world
6G Connecting a cyber-physical world, Johan Söder, Global 6G Conference 2024 The Global 6G Conference stands as the premier international conference in the 6G domain
Klaus Schwab | Hydrogels In COVID Vaccines As Programmable Human Interface | "We Have to Be Prepared for a World Where We See a Fusion of Our Physical, Our Digital & Our Biological Dimensions." - Klaus Schwab (World Governments Summit 2024)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Harari Sees 21st Century As Having Two Major Agendas. 1st, Solve the Technical Problem of Physical Death So People May Live Forever. Second, Is to Massively Enhance Human Happiness." - John Lennox
Doctor Stella Immanuel | Is Revelation 17:12-15 Happening Now? "You're Taking Over Somebody Else's Physical Body W/ the Mind of Another Human." Doctor Charles Morgan (Former CIA Speaking to U.S. Cadets At West Point In 2018)
Doctor Charles Morgan | "You Are Taking Over Somebody Else's Physical Body With the Mind of Another Human." Doctor Charles Morgan (Former Member of the CIA - Speaking to U.S. Cadets At West Point In 2018)
Great Reset | CBDC | "Internet of Bodies Will Mean That Software Will Start Causing Physical HARM to Human Bodies with Some Regularity." - Dr. Andrea Matwyshyn + "COVID Legitimizes Deployment of Surveillance Under Your SKIN." - Harari
Great Reset | Biden Admin Gives WHO Authority Over U.S. Pandemic Policies | "Internet of Bodies Will Mean That Software Will Start Causing Physical HARM to Human Bodies." - Dr. Matwyshyn + What Is Patent US 2021/0082583 A1?