Public Relations | Why PR Is What You Pray for & Advertising Is What You Pay for w/ World’s Most Successful Public Relations Experts: Matthew Faraci (PR Consultant for The Chosen, Tuttle Twins, Etc.) + Michael Levine Levine
Entrepreneur Podcasts | How Public Relations Works + Teaching How Michael Levine's Tiffany Theory Works (An Interview w/ Legendary PR Guru) | Why Advertising Is What You Pay For & PR Is What Your Pray For + PRO-Tips for Being Poor
Carlton Pearson | The Art of Public Speaking | Why There Is No Substitute for Preparation + You Can Learn to Speak & You Can Learn How to Become an Effective Communicator
Branding | Branding 101 w/ Michael Levine (The PR consultant of choice for Nike, Pizza Hut, George Carlin, Michael Jackson, Prince, etc.) + Why Advertising Is What You Pay for And Why Public Relations Is What You Pray For + Ryan Wimpey Success Story