2 months ago12.24.24: Hunters become the Hunted, God WINS, Silent Night, Gaetz, Guatemala, RFK, PRAY!And We KnowVerified
1 month agoDonald Unleashed: How Trump is Putting the Fear of God into Illegals and LGBT RadicalsSteven CrowderVerified
3 months agoGod Tier Level Trolling: Trump's Latest Picks Are Driving the Left InsaneSteven CrowderVerified
1 month agoUNCENSORED CHURCH 46 (Edited): Uncensored Apologetics - How To Prove GodDustin NemosVerified
11 days agoWho would be known as "Sons of God" and who would be called by a new name as Christians?Dustin NemosVerified
3 years ago2.28.22: HOW do you FORCE, BREAK, RESTRICT the [DS] without MASS PaNIC? Amazing PLAN! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.26.22: The INFORMATION connects SPIRITUAL BATTLE/LIES from the ENEMY! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago3.6.22: Sheila Holm connects GA Guidestones, Ukraine, HELLywood, Cronkite & the EYE! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
11 months agoHow Actor Shia LaBeouf Reclaimed His Faith and Became a Catholic, with Bishop Robert BarronMegyn KellyVerified
1 month agoCIA Experiments With Mysterious Fog: Poison ‘Smart Dust’ Bioweapons?Edge of WonderVerified
9 days agoGods Name, YHWH, Found on oldest scroll - the Silver YHWH Scroll! *(7th Cent. BCE)Dustin NemosVerified
3 years ago12.16.21: SOMETHING is BREWING! The DEEP STATE is 100% Real! God SAVE us ALL! ...and Suddenly! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago12.8.21: ARMAGGEDON! CHINA threatens, [DS] wants to take US down with them, NORCIMO? Pray!And We KnowVerified