26 days agoBible Study with Fred, Mark, chapter 4, verses 35 to 41, the stormBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
2 years ago🔴 How to Sleep Fast? Relax More with Relaxing Rain and Thunder sounds. 5 Hour Dark ScreenRelaxMore
7 months agoV1DEO 179 UPD8 20 21 1133/1033/31072024 UPD8 17/18/19 0917/1553/2333-30072024 15/16 1053/140229072024 UPDATE9/10/11/12/13/14 0800/1014/1127/1333/1343/2807/15102024 UPD8 3/4/5/6/7/8-SAVE TURKE1YE CATS AND DOGS PLEASE 1333/53/1443/1711/2025/220227072024 UPDREVELATIONREVOLUTIONRESURRECTIONREUNIONE1
4 years agoHere's why you should sleep with a garlic under your pillow! A must watch video.gauravjha2962