1. A condom that will turn a different color if bacteria from a disease or infection is detected

    A condom that will turn a different color if bacteria from a disease or infection is detected

  2. The CIA after successfully manipulating a 14 year old 4chan user into becoming a terrorist

    The CIA after successfully manipulating a 14 year old 4chan user into becoming a terrorist

  3. Me to the Jewish kid at the movie theater when the woke stuff is on screen:

    Me to the Jewish kid at the movie theater when the woke stuff is on screen:

  4. “I’m going to fix my sleep schedule”

    “I’m going to fix my sleep schedule”

  5. Me in 2034 removing my brain chip so I can be racist again:

    Me in 2034 removing my brain chip so I can be racist again:

  6. Hollywood producers saving their child porn drive from the fires:

    Hollywood producers saving their child porn drive from the fires:

  7. Owner getting ready to log onto his server

    Owner getting ready to log onto his server

  8. The Pentagon after “misplacing” 2 trillion dollars on September 10, 2001

    The Pentagon after “misplacing” 2 trillion dollars on September 10, 2001

  9. Me launching the TV remote at my beer getting machine after it says "goo goo ga ga"

    Me launching the TV remote at my beer getting machine after it says "goo goo ga ga"

  10. If you laugh You will get slaped !

    If you laugh You will get slaped !

  11. Me if slowly turning my friends into fellow anti-government conspirators through memes was a felony

    Me if slowly turning my friends into fellow anti-government conspirators through memes was a felony
