The Convergence Of Engineering, nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology And Cognitive Science the Creative Union Of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering And Peoples, Human Augmentation Bioconvergence
TRYING TO COVER THEIR ASSES WITH HALF TRUTHS! - CBS News Explains How Solar Engineering Experiments Are Being Conducted by Bill Gates & the U.S. Government to 'Dim the Sun'
Artificial Intelligence | "Today We Are Going to Be Interviewed By An AI?" - Bill Gates | "We Will Connect Wirelessly Our Neocortex to the Cloud." - Ray Kurzweil (Director of Engineering At Google)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Bio-Engineering 2,000 Years Ago In China?! Yes. Castration Is Bio-Engineering. A.I. Can Potentially Take Power Away from Us. You Apply for a Job. Increasingly an A.I. Is Making a Decision."
Klaus Schwab | The Great Reset | "We Have to Take More Advantage of the Technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Artificial Intelligence, Genetic-Engineering, etc."
This is a real commercial for Canada's top children's hospital featuring numerous kids having heart attacks and the hospital's "amazing" ability to predict who might get them.