1 month agoDemise of LI's Last Duck Farm: Out of Control Government Destroys Family FarmsThe David Knight Show
15 days agoFamily Farm Tax: "It's going to look like a mess if this government gets its way"TogetherDeclaration
6 days agoFamily Farm Tax: "It is a tax that we cannot afford... the margins aren't there"TogetherDeclaration
19 days agoFAMILY FARM TAX: "This is not a battle that Britain can afford to lose"TogetherDeclaration
26 days agoFamily Farm Tax: "I stand #together with farmers and family businesses" (Leilani Dowding)TogetherDeclaration
11 days agoAgenda 30 why family farms are disappearing and whats being proposed as an alternativeFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoDemise of LI's Last Duck Farm: Out of Control Government Destroys Family FarmsFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoFAMILY FARM TAX: "This is our livelihoods we're working with - and going to lose"TogetherDeclaration