4 months agoWARNING: Flat-Earth App Users Are Potential Targets via DEW, ELF, V2K & OTG! Do Not Install FE Apps!Liberty TV
7 months agoCan the NWO Cabal Track, Target and Control Flat-Earthers via Flat-Earth Apps? Use Your Discernment!Liberty TV
3 months agoSUSPECTED Gleason Gatekeepers Who Control the Flat-Earth, True-Cosmos Narrative for the NWO CabalLiberty TV
3 months agoHuman 1.0-Saving Message from Carrie Madej, an Early Whistleblower on Human 2.0/Mind-Control ShotsLiberty TV
2 months agoAlex Newman Exposes the Strategy of the NWO Cabal to Establish a Totalitarian One-World GovernmentLiberty TV
1 year agoDragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (Switch) | Part 1 w/ Commentary | Early Game ScoutingEndara Gaming Gameplay
1 year agoDragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (Switch) | Part 1 w/ Commentary | Platypunk, I Choose You!Endara Gaming Gameplay
22 hours agoMia Risked Her Life Making “The Masters & Controllers” Series, Which Exposes the Satanic NWO NetworkLiberty TV
2 days agoAE/Gleason-Map Gatekeepers Help the NWO Cabal to Hide Atlantis, Lemuria, Pangea, N Pole Shift & MoreLiberty TV
11 days agoThe Creepy or Depopulation Fog That Made So Many Sick Has Been Lab Tested! Here Are the ResultsLiberty TV
6 days agoDAMAGE-CONTROL Fake Lunar Missions to Hide the Fact That the Moon Is Plasma and a Flat-Earth MapLiberty TV
9 days agoBEWARE of Ozonated, Silent-Corona or Depopulation Snow That Can Cause Influenza and PneumoniaLiberty TV
2 days agoLike the Moon That Mirrors Earth, the "Planets" Venus and Mercury Mirror the Flat Planes Below ThemLiberty TV
13 days agoTrump Is "False Light" until He Comes Clean on Hiding the Flat Earth and FE Map on the Plasma MoonLiberty TV
16 days agoWe Don't Need to Ever Take a "Vaccine" Ever Again! We Can Work Together! | Dr. Tom CowanLiberty TV
8 days agoFlat-Earthers Are Waking Up to David Weiss's Suppression of the Plasma-Moon TRUE Flat-Earth MapLiberty TV
1 day agoAre They Hiding Electromagnetic Plasma Changeover (EMPCO) & Sudden Rapid Pole Shift (SURPS) Events?Liberty TV
9 days agoStrong Woman Calls Out the Vatican for Hiding Ancient Secrets, Books and Maps, Including TartariaLiberty TV
1 month agoBEWARE of Staged Sightings Pushing the Alien Psyop to Prime the Masses for One-World Government !!!Liberty TV
17 days agoThe Controllers Are Running the DIVERGENT Experiment to Identify the Saviors of Humanity (Theory)Liberty TV
20 days agoOZONE POLLUTION Caused by Microwave Radiation Could Be the DIRECT CAUSE of Influenza and COVID-19Liberty TV
15 days agoBEWARE of Weaponized Ozone (Trioxygen = 991 = 9 + 9 + 1 = (COVID) 19) | CDS Is Clinically Effective!Liberty TV