Knowledge Based Ep. 69: After the Great Awakening, What now?
(12/3/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 129 | SG Sits Down w/ a FQXHoleFoundation Roundtable: Ongoing Helene Relief Efforts and Motives for Land Theft
Knowledge Based Ep.59: Debunking: Michael S. Hesier’s Urantia Book Assessment
Knowledge Based Ep. 67 - Debunking the Climate Change Scam
Knowledge Based Ep. 70 Civilization is the Ultimate Tool of Freedom
Knowledge Based Ep. 20: Free Energy and Anti-Gravity Sciences w/ Ken Rohla
Knowledge Based Ep. 61: Covering the Border Battle (25 States Support Texas!)
Knowledge Based Ep. 71 Simon Esler and the 5G War
Knowledge Based Ep. 68 Abortion as a Cultural Weapon
Knowledge Based Ep. 63: Getting Suspicious - Checking Out Ben Davidson's Solar Micronova Work
Knowledge Based Ep. 46 - Moral and Factual Dilemmas of the Israel/Palestine Conflict
Knowledge Based Ep. 64: Remote Viewing is REAL, What It Tells Us About Ourselves
Knowledge Based Ep. 66 - Destroying the Woke Agenda
Knowledge Based Ep. 65: What is Qualified Voting? The Rule of Law and Omniology
Knowledge Based Ep. 72 - Dismantling Gun Control Arguments - 7:30 PM ET -
Knowledge Based Ep. 22: Mind, Truth, True Knowledge and Self Mastery
Knowledge Based Ep. 57
Knowledge Based Ep. 52: Deconstructing "Colonization" Propaganda
Knowledge Based Ep. 55: The Lucifer Rebellion (Ideology of the Cabal)
Knowledge Based Ep. 62: DARPA, A.I., & "Combatting Misinformation"
Knowledge Based Ep. 18: The Hidden Sciences of Free Energy and Anti-Gravity
Knowledge Based Ep. 43 - Thur 7:30 PM ET -
Knowledge Based Ep. 19: The Anti-Gravity Work of T. Townsend Brown and Otis Carr (Tesla's Protegé)
Knowledge Based Ep. 60 - Alternative Solar System & Earth History
Knowledge Based with Jordan Sather and Justin Deschamps: Episode 1