7 months agoBlue Tooth Mac Address Phenomenon From Covid 19 Shots -Conversation with Dr. Pedro Chavez -EP 30Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
1 year agoPodcast No Vacunados y Sanos – Episodio 0019 – Dr. Pedro Chávez Zavala (COMUSAV - México)Unvaccinated and Healthy Podcast
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2 years agoDr. Andreas Kalcker and Dr. Pedro Chavez has the solution to cure the vaccinated. *See Description*chinlee
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2 years agoAndreas Kalker & Dr. Pedro Chavez on the fact that CLO2 Solutions destroy the spike proteinCLO2 Solutions
2 years agoVaccinated dead people EMIT BLUETOOTH MAC ADDRESS in Graveyard- Dr Pedro ChavezLibertarian99
2 years agoAccording to Dr. Andreas Kalcker and Dr. Pedro Chavez, chlorine dioxide in solutionBranco1958
1 year agoChlorine Dioxide Testimonies 2nd Annual Conference with Dr. Andreas Kalcker & Dr. Pedro ChavezYouTubeTerminated: Providing Truthful Content For Patriots
1 year agoVaccinated dead people EMIT BLUETOOTH MAC ADDRESS in Graveyard- Dr Pedro ChavezBiological Medicine
2 years agoAccording to Dr. Andreas Kalcker and Dr. Pedro Chavez, chlorine dioxide in solutionBranco58
7 months agoBlue Tooth Mac Address Phenomenon From Covid 19 Shots -Conversation with Dr. Pedro Chavez -EP 30Sante Caribe Health and Wellness Centers
7 months agoBlue Tooth Mac Address Phenomenon From Covid 19 Shots -Conversation with Dr. Pedro Chavez -EP 30bigwindy
7 months agoBlue Tooth Mac Address Phenomenon From Covid 19 Shots -Conversation with Dr. Pedro Chavez -EP 30Info BW
2 days agoPresentation on Covid-Shot and Graphene Detox with EDTA | COMUSAV Tanya Carmona w/ Dr. Michael RothBiological Medicine
1 year ago23-JAN-2024 Q&A Chlorine Dioxide Solution with Dr. Pedro Chavez, COMUSAV Mexiconaturewellnessusa
3 months agoVaccinated dead people EMIT BLUETOOTH MAC ADDRESS in Graveyard- Dr Pedro ChavezConcerned for Truth