Israel is on "the verge of an explosion" — President Herzog. "We are on the brink of constitutional collapse and of a domestic violent confrontation," Herzog added.
Edmonton Freedom Rally To Raise awareness about Agenda 2030 and encourage individuals to take action against the goals of Agenda 2030, including the 15-minute city concept.
Mother of Caitlin Gotze (23) says: “We were pro vaccine. We thought the people who wouldn’t get the vaccine were silly.......then one day my daughter drops dead from the (Pfizer)”
Government making a Dairy Farm in Southern Ontario dump 30,000 litres of milk because they have gone over quota. Can’t donate it to a food bank, or to a hospital, or to a homeless shelter.
COVID "Vaccine" Injured Mother Says Blood Work Confirms Spike Protein Still In Her Body 603 Days After Vaccination - "I have test results showing spike protein was still present and wreaking havoc in my body 603 days after my last Moderna v
An artificial womb that successfully grew a baby lamb. We are finally at the stage where we are playing God & the next stage will be large scale human clone production.