A.I. Generating Dreams & Turning Wi-Fi Routers Into Cameras to See Through Walls - Using THZ to sense objects in the real world "The Network As The Sensor Connecting Human & Digital Worlds" 2024 NOKIA BELL LABS 6G
Carbon Nanotubes for Digital Logic - Exceptional electronic properties of carbon nanotubes, coupled with their small size, makes them ideal materials for future nanoelectronic devices. IBM
Dr. Bartlett + Dr. Mikovits | New Bat Lab In CO? "Denver Health Doctors Have Just Been Vaccinated with a LIVE Ebola Vaccine." - Dr. Bartlett + “In 1996 I Created the Cell Line That Manufactured Ebola Zaire At Fort Detrick.” - Dr. Mikovits
CBDCs | Why Did Gates & Bezos Fund Synchron's Brain-Computer Interface? Why Did Epstein & Gates Fund MIT's CBDC Project Hamilton? Was SEC Chair Gensler MIT Lab’s Senior Advisor? Why Did Gensler Teach w/ Father of SBF Girlfriend?
Super Bowl | Super Bowl or Super BAAL? Putin / Tucker Interview Highlights, China Lab Simulates Attack On U.S. Warships, A Chronological Look At the Satanic Super Bowl Hellish Halftime Shows + Revelation 16:12-14 & De-dollarization Accelerates
Wireless systems at the intersection of physical and digital time | ITU | Beyond 5G evolves towards embracing sensing and communication, resulting in increased convergence of the digital and the physical world
Anthony Fauci Exposed AGAIN On Tucker | "Millions Died (from COVID-19) And We've Have Over 1,000 People Arrested for Milling Around the Capital (January 6th)." - Tucker Carlson + Dr. Mikovits + Dr. Bartlett | New Bat Lab In CO?
Dr. Jane Ruby | Are Republican Members of Congress Invested Remdesivir? Are Republic Members of Congress Invested In the Renal-Failure Causing-China-George-Soros-And-Gilead-Lab-Connected Remdesivir?