Large Crowd Forms At 2 Hr & 9 Min Mark, Holy Spirit Manifests, I Pray For Homosexual Student To Get Deliverance, Rebuking Hypocrites, Anti-Christ Trump, 7 Year Tribulation, Daniel's 70th Week, Marcus Follows Me & CRIES OUT For Salvation!
Even Though Biden Is Evil, Biden Was Correct When He Called Trump Supporters Garbage, My Article Revisited On Why Jesus Is So Angry with the USA, The 8 Revivals of Yah's Mercy For The USA, Judgment Is Coming, Get Ready!
Von Braun's Legacy - Dr. Carol Rosin, Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries in the 1970's on the Military Industrial Complex Extraterrestrials Wars - Disclosure Project Arch. She worked closely with Wernher Von Braun shortly before his death