COVID-19 | 2 Weeks Before the Pandemic Began, the U.S. Gov (NIAID) & MODERNA Signed a Confidential Agreement Regarding COVID-19 VACCINES. How Did the Know? The System & Method for Testing for COVID-19 Was Patented In 2015. How Did They Know?
Doctor David Martin | What Does America Need to Know About Bobby Kennedy Jr., Elon Musk, Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene Oxide, Patent US-7279327-B2, A Nano Coronavirus Recombinant Vaccine Taking Graphene Oxide As Carrier & Nanotoxins?
Wo With Bo (Part 9) | Bo Polny Bitcoin At $400? Why Did Michigan's Whitmer Ban Buying Paint & Seeds to Stop the Coronavirus? Is the U.S. Gov Attempting to Destroy the U.S. Economic System Through Hyperinflation to Stop Inflation? Ice Is Back?!
Dr. Judy Mikovits | "Every Vaccine Is Extermination & Sterilization." - Dr. Mikovits | “In 2002, UNC Chapel Hill Patented An Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus.” - Dr. Martin + Why Do Musk, Harari & Schwab Agree?
COVID-19 | “In 2002, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Patented An Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus. Infectious Replication Defective Means a Weapon.” - Dr. Martin (Read Patents In Description)
COVID-19 | “In 2002, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Patented An Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus. Infectious Replication Defective Means a Weapon.” - Dr. Martin (Read Patents In Description) 7 TRUTH BOMBS
(DARPA) (DOD) (BARDA) (NIAID/NIH) (UK GOV./WELCOME TRUST) Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation - The Train Of Corruption Is Very Long And Deep Within Our Government!
Dr. Zelenko Lays Out the Paper and Patent Trail Prior to Premeditated Mass Murder 1998/1999: Dr. Ralph Baric perfected cross-species transmissibility. 2002: A patent by Dr. Baric describes how to take a bat coronavirus and make it lethal to human lung t