1 month ago第20期 共和党大象;Issue 20: copper wire crafting: Republican Elephant||出国是为了逃难Crafting with 2 Doctors
5 months ago第4期 手工:小狗狗;Issue 4: copper wire crafting: a puppy||聊天:在中国读大学还不如学手艺Crafting with 2 Doctors
2 months ago第18期 手工:自行车;Issue 18: copper wire crafting: bicycle||聊天:长得好看的人更容易找到工作Crafting with 2 Doctors
4 months ago第8期 手工:家务元素(三)按压瓶;Issue 8: copper wire crafting: soap dispenser||聊天:竞技体育是如何给大众洗脑的?Crafting with 2 Doctors
1 month ago第23期 行走的猫 Issue 23 walking cat pendant DIY copper wire crafting 不要害怕孩子被孤立Crafting with 2 Doctors
5 months ago第5期 手工:家务元素(一)衣架;Issue 5: copper wire crafting: Housework Elements Ⅰ (Cloths hanger)||聊天:有子女就能让养老院护工怕你? 太天真啦!Crafting with 2 Doctors
3 months ago第12期 手工:家务元素(七)球形打蛋器;Issue 12: copper wire crafting: ball whisk||聊天:二十出头的女生真有超大的魅力?Crafting with 2 Doctors
1 month ago第21期 松鼠花生 Issue 21 copper wire crafting peanut the squirrel 中国繁荣与黑帽子 愚昧的东升西降Crafting with 2 Doctors
2 months ago第16期 手工:南瓜吊坠;Issue 16: copper wire crafting: pumpking pendant||聊天:越美丽越安全。Crafting with 2 Doctors
4 months ago第10期 手工:家务元素(五)闭口剪刀;Issue 10: copper wire crafting: scissors with closed blades||聊天:中国乱世中女孩婚恋的三大重要原则Crafting with 2 Doctors
4 months ago第9期 手工:家务元素(四)开口剪刀;Issue 9: copper wire crafting: scissors with opened blades||聊天:疫情结束很久就没事了?小心防疫果报!Crafting with 2 Doctors
3 months ago第11期 手工:家务元素(六)螺旋打蛋器;Issue 11: copper wire crafting: spiral whisk||聊天:是剩女太挑剔还是男人太鸡贼?Crafting with 2 Doctors
2 days ago第28期 用金属丝做珠子 Issue 28 making beads with copper wires DIY handmade copper wire pendant 中国人爱吐痰的另一个原因Crafting with 2 Doctors
3 months ago第13期 手工:家务元素(八)烤架;Issue 13: copper wire crafting: grill grate||聊天:家长需要鼓励孩子早恋。Crafting with 2 Doctors
23 days ago第25期 菇娘果 Issue 25 physalis DIY handmade copper wire pendant 你需要知道的有关预制菜的一些真相Crafting with 2 Doctors
16 days ago第26期 小鹿 Issue 26 little deer DIY handmade copper wire pendant 向绝症病人隐瞒病情是很缺德的行为Crafting with 2 Doctors
9 days ago第27期 茄子 Issue 27 eggplant DIY handmade copper wire pendant 中国大学实验室侵害学生利益Crafting with 2 Doctors
6 months agoHow to make silver ring with an Indian Apache design - making silver and copper jewelryCrafting Shine - Handmade Jewelry Creations
6 months agoCreate Stunning Handmade Copper Wire Bracelets - DIY Tutorial!Crafting Shine - Handmade Jewelry Creations
5 months ago第3期 手工:基础操作(三)Issue 3: the third issue of basic skills, then a bullet ear cuff as a tribute to President Trump||聊天:精神病患者鉴定的难度,国人对精神病的误解Crafting with 2 Doctors
2 years agoChecking welding life hacks We weld steel and cast iron An electrode with copper and iron wireMyWorkshops
2 years agoHow to make this Unique Wire Crochet 'Re-Borna' Necklace with Recycled Materials1GiftWorld