6 years agoBuff Head Wear / CONDOR Multi-Wrap (Must for Backpacking Gear)Outdoor Gear and Overlanding
1 year agoNew Knives for the Week of February 29th, 2024 Just In at KnifeCenter.comKnifeCenterVerified
1 year ago(E7) RPS Condor 250cc Modify grom rack to fit, Road test 0-50 0-60 a few wheelies, needs exhaust!MotoCheez
2 years agoLegion Live and a look at a couple of Condor Kukris! #kukri #bushcraft #camping #hikingLegionTacticoolCutlery
1 year ago(E6) RPS Condor 150cc engine swap to a CG250 off a TBR7. It wasn't really that hard Grom cloneMotoCheez
2 years agoCondor King Kukri! Legion Lite up for Jason Brown, and the content creators who respected him..LegionTacticoolCutlery